
We see how God has always been working in our stories as we tell them. Our prayer for you is that you start finding Him in your stories too.

Call to Worship Kacy Ladd Call to Worship Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!๐Ÿ™Œ

I love learning. Educated perspective often allows us to move forward. In my Marriage and Family Therapy Masters program, the brokenness within the inner-city Los Angeles families I served was harrowing. Once I learned to see the systems behind them and apply the intricacies of development and other critical layers, I could see hope. I felt honored to step into the trenches with hurting families and help them heal.

But my research-loving brain has hit overload lately. Too many tabs are open.

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Call to Worship Kacy Ladd Call to Worship Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!๐Ÿ™Œ

We called last week "our turning point or breaking point". An autoimmune disorder building in our five-year old's system is wreaking havoc, exacerbating existing autism-related complications. We were losing sleep, and our son woke before 4am, requiring more than we had to give. The worst of us collided as we each found our end points.

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Call to Worship Kacy Ladd Call to Worship Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!๐Ÿ™Œ

I was up late recently, rattled by the twists and turns of parenting a child with special needs. A teething baby demanded comfort just as I started to settle. One hour of sleep later, it was time for a new day to start! There was a redeeming moment in the nauseatingly caffeinated day that followed. All three kids were in the car, and my four-year old was practicing the Bible verse we were learning. My teenager saidโ€ฆ

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Call to Worship Kacy Ladd Call to Worship Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!๐Ÿ™Œ

The dramatic story of a paralyzed man being lowered before Jesus in Mark 2:1-5 always makes me wonder. The crowd was too big to get to Jesus, so his friends just went through the roof. I wonder how the man on the mat felt. He was fully exposed, could do nothing for himself, and the text never said anything about his faith. Did he believe? Was he afraid? What would Jesus say when he got down there? What would happen if He said no? It was a lot easier for his friends to lower him than raise him.

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Stories Kacy Ladd Stories Kacy Ladd

Fifteen Years in South Africa!

FIFTEEN YEARS AGO... I stepped foot on South African soil for the first time with a sparkle in my eye and a six month plan to save the world.

I always knew God made me to strengthen families. The way I see it, strong families make strong churches. Strong churches make strong communities. Strong communities strengthen other communities. And, slowly but surely, the world is transformed for the glory of God.

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Stories Kacy Ladd Stories Kacy Ladd


We've heard stories of oceans parting, bones dancing, blind seeing, and the Redeemer resurrecting. Yet I still squirm when I'm the one that needs the miracle. I know God CAN do it... I'd still praise Him if He didn't do it... But having a need there's no way we could ever meet on our own is a very humbling thing.

We asked God and His people for funding for our boys' 2025 school fees. It was not a small ask - almost $13,000โ€ฆ

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Stories Kacy Ladd Stories Kacy Ladd

What I prayed for on Christmas Eve

On this Christmas Eve morning, the excitement was rightfully high in my house. I took a deep breath and prayed, knowing someone would explode if we didn't get out the door in four and a half minutes. The UV index is 13 today... I used to think it only went up to 10! And every one of those 5.5 million was going to be out and about in Cape Town.

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Call to Worship Kacy Ladd Call to Worship Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!๐Ÿ™Œ

It seems like modern society is more sensitive to accessibility than ever before. Smartphones come with features to support visual and hearing impairments. There are laws for structures and hiring to give every person an opportunity to access life in the fullest way possible.

We make decisions in our family to help our autistic son maintain access himself and important relationships. Even Christmas is accommodated so he can stay fully-engaged and our other children can enjoy him, each other and the reason for the holiday throughout the entire day.

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Stories Kacy Ladd Stories Kacy Ladd

Good news!

Want to hear some good news!?!

Two week ago, we put out a big ask with a LOT of prayer. It will cost $13,400 to send our boys to school in 2025. We need help to make that happen - we explain why in this video. The good news... Lifa and Wyattโ€™s school fees are covered IN FULL! We are over halfway there.

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Call to Worship Kacy Ladd Call to Worship Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!๐Ÿ™Œ

Five years ago, I stepped into our front garden with a baby strapped to my chest. Rented tables with homemade placemats were set for 60. We served an American Thanksgiving dinner to our South African guests, choosing to give thanks while we didn't know our family's next steps. My husband and I relished in a garden full of laughter and warmth that day, never pausing to even taste the meal.

We ate leftover pumpkin pie in our garage late that night. It was a delicious and sacred moment, our own Thanksgiving faith-building feast when we didn't know what tomorrow held.

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Call to Worship Kacy Ladd Call to Worship Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!๐Ÿ™Œ

I've dealt with blood sugar imbalances my entire life. Doctors said I was destined for diabetes, obesity, and was unlikely to have children due to the hormonal imbalance at the root of it all. They were the experts, so I accepted my fate... until I couldn't anymore. In my late 20's, I was alone in the South African bush. My world was closing in on me. I needed hope in something beyond what I could see and faith that my fate wasn't sealed by a broken endocrine system.

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Stories Kacy Ladd Stories Kacy Ladd

Ladds in Transition

Lifa is halfway through 11th grade and thinking about what comes next. Benjamin and Wyatt are ever-changing whirlwinds of personality and preferences - full of tackling, tickling, and tantrumming. We are going deeper and wider all at once at church and working through a missionary kind of sting weโ€™re encountering for the first time after 14 years. Oh, AND, Iโ€™m learning how to cohabitate in my own body with an ever-present and absolutely crazy companion called perimenopause.

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Stories Kacy Ladd Stories Kacy Ladd

What You Really Need to Know on Motherโ€™s Day

unMotherโ€™s Day: This one is not just for moms.

Chris and I stood on stage at the beginning of both servcies to welcome everyone. I had been awake since 3am with a rotation of small child issues, and Benjamin was having a harder than normal day. If I didn't need to be on stage that morning, I would kept the little guys home with me. Things were heading south quickly...

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