Tommy and the Three Ladds
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Ladd Family is HOME.
We’ve been like the three bears from the famous Goldilocks story since we moved to Cape Town. The first house was lovely, but not in the right community for our family. The second house was in a great community, but was far too big once we made the decision that most church-building events would take place outside of the home. We asked God for a house that was just right for us as a family. One that looks like us, feels like us, and that we can love others well from. We prayed for a “smaller cup” financially – to downsize so we would have more leftover at the end of the month to bless others.
We defined our value and were on a mission! I was on a first name basis with every agent in the city, and Lifa quickly learned to bring books in the car because you never knew how long we’d be out on viewings. Finally, we found a single, un-telling photo on Gumtree (the South African equivalent of Craigslist). We called just in case – and because we’d called every other option in the city. We went to see the house and within half an hour, Chris was shaking hands with Tommy while I called and cancelled our next viewing appointment. THIS WAS IT!
It needed a lot of love, but we had that to bring! I’ve been quiet online for a while due to house-hunting, house-packing, house-cleaning, and house, house, house. We’re all settled in, and we love our new space. And it came with a Tommy!
Tommy, the homeowner, lives next door to us when he’s not away to his happy place at the river. He is already part of the family. He takes pictures of our puppies, tells Lifa’s stories that blow his mind, and was our very first dinner guest. We send meals over to him, and he fills our freezer with the fish he catches at the river. Chris has a buddy to piddle around and fix things with, and Tommy has a family. We have the privilege of speaking life and love over Tommy over and over again, and that is what makes this house just right.
Want to see!?! We’d love to show you around!
We decided before we moved in that we would be open-tabled people. We will invite people – not just people interested in building a church or talking about Jesus. The people made to come to the table and feast – all people. And you just never know when you are hosting an angel in your house. Times are very financially tough in South Africa right now as the cost of living is consistently increasing. What a privilege to have the ability to feed people, bake cakes for neighbors, send plates, and pack extra. We’ve lived here for 2 weeks and have had guests over for 4 dinners so far. And our calendar is loaded for August!
Last night we taught a family how to eat American style chili dogs. They tasted nothing like American chili dogs – the chili was made out of ostrich and sweet potato. And the hot dog was a beef banger. BUT it made for great conversation and an amazing time to serve, laugh with and love a family.
Welcome to our new home. We are Tommy and the Three Ladds, and we are so happy to be open-tabled people. You are always welcome.