Dear Grown-Ups,

Invasion of privacy doesn’t happen much in the Ladd house... because there’s not much privacy to invade. Chris and I share passwords to everything and copy each other in on emails or messages to a person of the opposite sex. All of Lifa’s online chats and access to devices are routinely checked. We see what kids are talking about, how they communicate and what is shaping their worldviews. Because of that, I want to say this to all the grown ups in the world:

Dear Grown-Ups, 

To those of you who look for the good in others...

To those of you who guard your homes, eyes, ears and mouths...

To those of you who control what you’re watching, hearing, or saying instead of letting it control you...

To those of you who celebrate the strengths of other cultures...

To those of you who have said something to build someone up today...

To those of you who have sacrificed for the good of someone else...

To those of you who speak life rather than death...

To those of you who extend grace instead of take up offense...

To those of you who respect your body and the bodies of others...

To those of you who smile when you walk by people...

To those of you who enjoy what you have...

To those of you who work hard and take the righteous path...

Thank you. The next generation is looking at you to learn how to become great. You are digging the trenches for health, healing, and hope in a world that would be dark without you. You are giving the ones behind you strong shoulders to stand on. You are making way for a new way. Your life is making an eternal difference. Thank you. 

With real, deep love,

The Ladd Family


The Chalkboard Says It All


More than an afternoon slump.