The Chalkboard Says It All

Hello from Sleep Regression City! Little Jam and I are having regular late-night rendezvous in the nursery. The last two weeks have been a bit of a blur. I’ve grasped for quiet moments with my Bible, but have hardly cracked a page. 

Lifa (who does not sleep like a baby, but sleeps like a normal human being who sleeps all night) gets up at 6am every morning to have an uninterrupted quiet time. He often tells me about it over breakfast. 

Last week, I told him through bleary eyes and my 89th cup of coffee, “You’ve read the Bible more than me this week, Lifa. Maybe you could write the encouraging message for the week on our chalkboard.” The only parameter was to encourage. He took on the challenge like a champ. 


I was blown away. He is no perfect child, and we certainly do not have it all together in this house. But the Word of God is in my kid’s heart. The joy of the Lord lives there and is spelled out in our living room! 

It’s powerful, y’all. My parenting is nothing. God’s Word is everything. It’s alive. It’s active. It’s sharper than a double-edged sword. It cuts, cleans, heals, restores, saves. Read that Word. Get your kids in it. Get it in your kids. 


How to Make A Change: Finding My Why


Dear Grown-Ups,