
We see how God has always been working in our stories as we tell them. Our prayer for you is that you start finding Him in your stories too.

Raising a Hero Kacy Ladd Raising a Hero Kacy Ladd

The Chalkboard Says It All

Hello from Sleep Regression City! Little Jam and I are having regular late-night rendezvous in the nursery. The last two weeks have been a bit of a blur. I’ve grasped for quiet times with my Bible as much as I could, but have hardly cracked a page. Lifa (who does not sleep like a baby, but sleeps like a normal human being who sleeps all night) gets up at 6am every morning to have an uninterrupted quiet time.

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Loving People, Choosing Truth Kacy Ladd Loving People, Choosing Truth Kacy Ladd

Dear Grown-Ups,

Invasion of privacy doesn’t really exist in the Ladd house... because there’s not much privacy to invade. Chris and I share passwords to everything and copy each other in on emails or messages to a person of the opposite sex. All of Lifa’s online chats and access to devices are routinely checked. We see what kids are talking about, how they communicate and what is shaping their worldviews. Because of that, I want to say this to all the grown ups in the world:

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