Chris Ladd Wins Every Husband Award Today

We are working on a big Father’s Day project over here, so today’s post is going to be short, sweet and to the point. It’s officially winter in Cape Town, and that means evening fires! The whole family loves sitting around the fire. But my man knows that I also really, really love a good morning fire. He got out of bed at 4am today, told me to take my time, and started building a fire for me. I came out 20 minutes later to find him working up a sweat and creating my dream morning.

He went and sat in his office and did his normal morning devotional, and I sat down right in front of the fire with my Bible, journal and a huge cup of coffee. Benjamin even slept in till 6 so I got to enjoy it for an hour and a half! It was BEAUTIFUL!

Today is a good day to count your blessings. Mine started at 4am!


Lifa's Big Decision


Will it always be like this?