Hi. I'm with the band.

I could count the number of hours I’ve spent away from Benjamin since his birth on my fingers and toes. He gets plenty of time with his mom - especially since Lifa’s at school, Chris is working, and Benjamin and I are still social distancing for safety. 

He’s developed supersonic senses for the sound of his dad coming into our room at bath time. They’ve developed their own language. He knows when Lifa switches the light on in his room and will barge right into the bathroom to greet him if he leaves the door cracked. Those two are Benjamin’s heroes. Although one of them has him burping at the dinner table and the other is teaching him to be so weird he is destined to be “that kid” in future social settings... I couldn’t be happier. 

Lifa had music video practice this afternoon. Yeah, that’s right - my kid is in music videos. Southpoint Church is recording their own kids worship videos and asked Lifa to be a part of it. He blew it out of the water! Lifa is so cool. 

Benjamin will do anything Lifa does. Which we all regret sometimes. Because... he’s 12. 

But every night, when we pray with Lifa in his room at bedtime, I thank God for trusting us with a hero in our very own house. I believe Lifa was made to influence and lead people for his whole life, and there’s no better training ground that at home with your baby brother. 

We talk often about integrity - how it’s important it is to be the same person at home, with friends and authority figures. This world is going to be lucky to have the Lifa that lives in my house!

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My Friday night plan on how I'm going to become who I want to be.


Where Abundant Life Lives