My Friday night plan on how I'm going to become who I want to be.

It’s Fridayyyyyyy! The baby is asleep, and the big boys are watching YouTube videos and playing Minecraft in the living room. I am in Chris’ office with a candle and “drippy rain” noises playing my headphones. I’m trying to get in the zone to write one more blog for the week. Friday night blogs can be tough. I’m ready to start the weekend, but I’ve given it my very best since May to write every day, Monday - Friday. AND I’VE DONE IT! Every single Friday, I feel like removing my eye balls and disappearing into a bathtub with a dark chocolate bonbon. But, even now, I love that I’m doing it. 

Have you heard this quote? 

Have you heard this quote?

I want to be a writer because I believe God gave me the ability to write, and I want to use it. I’ve spent much of my life feeling like I don’t have anything to say, and I shouldn’t waste paper, the internet or anyone’s time. It’s one more commitment, and it’s Fridayyyyy. I don’t have to write on Fridays. I don’t have to write any day. But I want to be a writer. I’ve decided to write every day. 

There are many things I want to become or do that I have not done. Some of those things are for reasons outside of my control, but many of them are because I haven’t created a habit. I’ve started many projects I haven’t finished because I didn’t have a system in place to support it. I quickly run out of steam without a system. That’s why Friday night writing is extra important - and why I’m the most proud of the hardest nights to write. 

If I look at my life, the evidence is clear: We become what we do. 

Our self-developed rhythms and habits create our life’s trajectory. Yes, there are circumstances and events we cannot control. I’m up to my ears in circumstances!  I don’t want to define my life, or even write off chapters of it, by those things that are outside of my control. It sinks my spirit. I want to submit those things to God and take control of what He has given me domain over. 

I want to become a writer, so I write every day- even when I’m jealous of the handsome, lounging men in the next room and when I’m so tired I’m seeing double.  (I actually tried to get Lifa to write my blog tonight.)

I want to be a woman who knows the Word , so I listen to the Daily Audio Bible every day. There are many days with a little one when I cannot sit still long enough to read even a few verses, so I download the Daily Audio Bible podcast and listen to it double-speed to fit it in on a short walk on the way home from dropping Lifa at school. 

I want to encourage and support my husband, so I write him a love note every night. Even more than that, I leave it for him in a clean kitchen. (That’s the real love.) After I finish writing every night, I make sure the kitchen counters and floors are clean and start the dishwasher. I grind fresh coffee, fill the kettle, and set out the French press, two mugs, and a note to him. I decided on his birthday this year that I wanted to create a habit of speaking life over him, so I had 365 business cards I designed printed out and put in a tiny treasure chest. Every day since June 5th, I’ve written him a love note, encouraging quote or Scripture and left it with the coffee for him to read in the morning while the kettle boils. He’s saved every one! 

I also want to be a gardener with my kids. I bought a bunch of cool veggies, planted them, and then didn’t create a habit to take care of it. We now have a very dead garden that reminds me I am not a gardener every single day. 

I want to become a beast at pull-ups, a daily photo journaler, and so many other things that I am not. I don’t have habits in place for those things. I don’t have space to create another habit just yet, but I’m pretty proud of what I have done. In the past few months, I’ve become a writer, a woman who is in the Word daily, and my husband’s champion. That’s pretty good! 

What do you want to become? 

What is one small habit you could start today to put you on the trajectory toward becoming that? 

Let’s inspire each other! Share your answers! 


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Benjamin's Best Monday


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