How Monday really happened...

Remember that darling blog I wrote yesterday called “Benjamin’s Best Monday”? All those sweet plans and prayers? Anybody want to know how Monday really played out in my house? 

There was dangerous protesting on the main roads, so there were no outings or adventures. We were all riiiiight here. Chris was trying to work. Lifa was trying to find purpose in life during yet another un-welcomed school holiday, and Benjamin was trying to establish his authority as ruler of the Ladd family. Unfortunately for King Benjamin and his subjects, I couldn’t sleep the night before for no reason at all.

Chris left for his run later than planned because, after a long, hard day’s work, he had to deal with my over-tired, over-sensitivity before he could get out the door - which meant he would not make it home in time for dinner. The kids and I went out for a “Mom-walk” to get some exercise endorphins pumping, but allllll the boys were whining. I realize there are only two. And Lifa actually has the best attitude and countenance of any 12-year old on the planet. The walk, however, was a disaster. Something went wonky with the stroller wheels. No one put their dogs on leashes, so our leashed pups were losing their minds. Lifa was not feeling it, and Benjamin screamed for the half. 

Dinner wasn’t finished when we got home (at dinnertime).  I spilled things throughout the kitchen while my chatter included a lot of things we called, “Things you probably shouldn’t say to your kids.” I scrapped all family values and rituals and let Lifa put on cartoons. I saved my own dinner for later and fed Benjamin blueberries and yogurt for dessert while Lifa ate his dinner. 

If I trusted my emotions or my eye sockets, I’d say Monday was an epic disaster. But you should never trust your emotions or eye sockets! We still walked, and we still prayed together before we said goodnight. We still had each other, and we are still abundantly and exceedingly blessed.

Some days, weeks, months, seasons or pandemics go by like a blur. We can be quick to slap a label on based on the way we feel physically or emotionally in a moment. But I think it’s worth looking back on that Monday or that season in your life to find the moments to celebrate - to see that the joy of the Lord can pop up unexpectedly in the worst of the worst. Whether it’s your worst hair day or your worst loss. Is there any better way to train our spirits, hearts and minds to get out of a rut when the going gets tough? 

This wild-eyed Monday, I am celebrating spinach cake* and sidewalk chalk. And, now that I think about it, there are so many other things. My husband gave me a really great hug. Benjamin is starting to mimic sounds and gestures from books we read. The boys and I got covered in grass while practicing forward rolls in the yard. And a new pop-up tent may have contributed to Benjamin believing himself to be the king.

What are you celebrating? 

*Note: I made this recipe tonight, and, while I was disastering around the kitchen, Benjamin ate his bodyweight in greens. Win!!


My real wife life.


Benjamin's Best Monday