A surprising series of events

I want to tell you about a short series of small events that have turned into something of epic proportions. A couple of weeks ago, Chris’ visa renewal application was denied. It felt like a step far, far, farrrrr away from the prayers we’ve been praying for our family’s documentation for the last three years. 

I was at the park with the boys, excitedly awaiting my husband to call with a brand new visa sticker in his passport. Our lawyers were sure it would be approved, and it’s been years since we’ve had happy news from home affairs. It felt like I got the wind knocked out of me when I received a one-word text from him instead:  “Rejected.”

The park is no place for a mom to have a meltdown, so I did all I knew to do: I sent my friend Deb a voice note and asked her to pray. She lives on the other side of the world, and I knew she’d still be asleep. But I also knew she’d pray.

Deb called as soon as she could to pray with me. She added, “I think your family should try worshiping in your home every day. Just for 15 minutes a day. It’s how God fights our battles for us, and I’ve seen so much breakthrough in my life since I’ve started doing it. I think worship is where your battle will be won.” I was on board and submitted the idea to Chris too. 

The idea of daily worship brewed in my man for a few days, until he suggested inviting the Help Club for Moms to start a 15x15 Worship Challenge - to create an opportunity for God to move in many families. Worshiping God for 15 minutes a day for 15 days in a row. 

After praying with Deb, we decided to initiate a 15x15 Worship Challenge globally - throughout all of Help Club for Moms-  and more! Churches, families, friends, students, anyone who needs God fight their battles for them are invited to participate. We are starting on Monday, August 17th through August 31st. YOU are invited to invite God’s presence into your life every day for 15 days in a row! And everyone you know is invited too. (Tell them!) 

Just 15 minutes of worship for 15 minutes a day. 

Chains will be broken. Mountains will be moved. And hearts and hope will be restored by the God who loves us. We will become habitual worshipers, and we will write legacies that shape our families for generations and generations. 

As I write, I am humbled yet again by how we got here. Bad news that seemed like an antithesis to my prayers paved the way for thousands of people to worship God! It reminds of me the story of Joseph in Genesis. Joseph’s story went from bad to worse. He must have had many long nights wondering if God was hearing his prayers while he was betrayed, abused, abandoned, humiliated and imprisoned. Joseph’s series of unfortunate events led to saving nations and restoring God’s people.  One of Joseph’s last quote in Scripture was directed toward his brothers who had sold him into slavery as a child, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)

My story is nothing like Joseph’s. I do believe that, much like He did with Joseph, God can use our personal disappointment to bring breakthrough, freedom and restored hope to our lives and many others when we persevere in worshiping Him. Join us!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” - Romans 8:28

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Thankful Thursday: More about the 15x15 Worship Challenge


It's a beautiful place to be a brother