Thankful Thursday: More about the 15x15 Worship Challenge

I’m so happy you’re here. Really. I feel like you and I have a special thing when you’re here. Like oceans, continents, not even pandemics can keep us apart. I feel like you’ve been to my house, gotten glimpses of my heart, and have been completely inundated with photos of my children.

The 15x15 Worship Challenge I mentioned in yesterday’s post has really been getting me excited. The more I thank God, the more I think about Him. The more I think about Him, the less I think about allllll the other stuff I usually think about. My mind has gotten stuck in some ruts lately. And I’m so thrilled to be a part of a movement of worship.

I spelled it out practically and authentically today with my Help Club mamas. I wanted to share the video with you, and I want to invite you to join us. Beginning Monday, August 17 - August 31st, just spend 15 minutes a day worshiping God - if you’re not sure how to do that or what it means, watch the video! When we worship God, we are in His presence. Amazing things happen in the presence of God. I want that for you! Let me know if you’re going to take on the 15x15 Worship Challenge!

Encouragement for a busy mama from a busy mama! You are invited to join us in 15 minutes of worship a day for 15 days in a row. Let's talk about why we worsh...

It’s a ridiculous story about a Pop Tart and a snail.


A surprising series of events