Just Go Big!

I’ve cried many tears over missed birthdays, weddings, funerals, births, summer vacations, holiday celebrations, and plain old Saturdays in the last five years since we’ve seen our US families. Chris has become a ninja husband, skilled in the ways of comforting an emotional wife. 

Today is another special day. It’s Uncle Patrick’s birthday! (Patrick is Chris’ younger brother.) Uncle Patrick became a larger than life hero in our house when he visited us in 2016. It was the only time Lifa has had an uncle in person, and it was epic! We still talk about it.

As you might know from yesterday’s post, it’s “Find a Way to Win” Week! Instead of mourning another missed milestone (I love birthdays), we are throwing the best “Uncle Patrick Birthday Celebration” ever!!! There was a fancy birthday breakfast, outings to the places we’d take him if he were here with us, a tasty birthday dinner, and a fresh batch of sweet potato brownies with some cinnamon coconut ice cream. All captured on camera, of course. Lifa made a video of his birthday extravaganza to send him.

Even when we’re tired, sad, or have run out of steam, sometimes we find our restoration when we go the extra mile. Sometimes we find our wings in the days or seasons that feel impossible. I’m trying to stop counting my losses or talking about the tired, and just go big. Bigger than there’s energy for. Hope bubbles up when I reach for others in ways that don’t make sense.

Our family here feels closer to our faraway family today. There were about four million extra dishes to wash before 7am today, but it was in that extra work that we found our win. Lifa’s creative juices are flowing, and we are celebrating a very special man - the brother of our most favorite man!

Happy birthday Patrick. We love you!


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It's "Find a Way to Win" Week