"We have wild kids with praying moms."
The South African school year has just started up, and Lifa is loving life back on the all-boys high school campus. This time he's not the new guy - but an "experienced" grade 9. (High school begins in grade 8 here.)
There is passionate group of praying moms who faithfully meet on the school's sports field twice a month to pray over the school, students, our families and futures. We know our boys are longing to find their own ways in this world, and we are committed to not leaving them unarmed for the battles they'll face. In this stage of life, that often happens by praying behind the scenes. It's faithful moms, battling together on the bleachers.
Benjamin joined in this morning and "played the drums" on his lunchbox to the cadence of moms' prayers. The other moms (long past their toddler parenting days) graciously welcomed alllll of his sounds and embraced each families fears, hopes, dreams, trials and triumphs without judgment or criticism. My favorite part was when one mom was leveling the field for new moms joining in and said, "We've got wild kids with praying moms."
Legions of angels surround those wild, stumbling, seeking, learning boys because of their praying moms. And that is more than enough. Each one of those boys belong to the Lord first and forever. He is the greatest Father, protector, provider and He loves them more completely than we ever could. What more could we ask for?