🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
Wise King Solomon said, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." (Eccl 3:11) This week felt like all the seasons were happening at once in my house! It was a time for birthday celebrations, gathering of friends, exams, rugby practice, and the flu! I actually thought, "I know King Solomon was busy leading a nation and building the temple, but did he ever try that with sick kids!?!"
We walk through markedly hard seasons of life sometimes and soar through lighter times too. Much of our time, however, ticks away with the mundane things that might be hard to find meaning in. We can easily try to just get through the days and then look back on the years and wonder what they were for.
The secret King Solomon sought... the purpose... the meaning in every season of life is found exclusively in the One who gave us life.
Jesus didn't come to change the cycles of life on earth, but to change our status and inheritance. Death died when He rose, and our purpose was eternalized in our redemption. We can find our joy, passion and purpose in our every day walking and worshiping Him. He goes to the mountaintops, the valleys, and the long meetings too. For Him, it's never been about where we're going but that we go together.
You are made to continuously abide in the One who believes that the life that you are living today was worth His.
You were chosen by God, seen, known and love before you breathed your first breath. He's counted every one you will take and given it purpose.
Listen to Canyon Hill's Worship's "Every Season" today and steady your heart on the One who walks with you through it all.