Ladds in Transition

Lifa is halfway through 11th grade and thinking about what comes next. Benjamin and Wyatt are ever-changing whirlwinds of personality and preferences - tackling, tickling, and tantrumming, oh my! We are going deeper and wider all at once at church and working through a missionary kind of sting we’re encountering for the first time after 14 years. Oh, AND, I’m learning how to cohabitate in my own body with an ever-present and absolutely crazy companion called perimenopause.


The earth is always moving. Seasons are always shifting. Yet God is always the same. He invites us, loud and clear, to stay in step with His Spirit and promises we can run and not grow weary, walk and not get faint. So we take transitions one Spirit-step at a time, pouring out the aches, pains, hurts and hopes into God’s big, safe lap. We come morning by morning and again, moment by moment. We ask for heaven’s wisdom, and it comes just in the nick of time when we have ears to hear it.

I am taking steps away from screens, adjusting my rhythms and trying to take hold of the easy grace that’s always available. Sometimes it’s a win, and sometimes I am a bonafide crazy person. Yet God is always the same.

I’m practicing keeping the main things the main things and not holding the stress of all the other undone things. Lists are remaining uncrossed. Stories are remaining unshared. But I’m drawing closer to my Father. His Presence seems more accessible when I’m present.

This video is a mashup from the weekend’s stories I hope to share soon. The song is Benjamin’s current favorite song. We listened to it at least 38 times today, and it feels just right. While I made it, I prayed for each one of us to find God’s presence in our own present-ness. Transitions and life... come what may... For our God is a consuming fire. (Heb 12:29)


See You At The Movies!


🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌