How many things can you do on a Monday?

Want to see how many things we can do in a day during school holiday? I present to you: Monday.

Today’s video features Benjamin’s current favorite song- playing on repeat until Wyatt has his fill and starts shouting “MUSIC OFF!” 😂

I’m getting a bajillion steps a day, drinking all the caffeine, eating gummy vitamins while I give them to my kids, and making the most of a fleeting season of life.

Behind the scenes, Benjamin’s song is extra relevant. We’re excavating for joy when we need to, and going out to seek it till we find it. Benjamin’s whole system is run down as usual at the end of the school term. His needs and recovery look different and are very difficult to figure out. We’re always thinking quickly, adapting on the fly and continuously learning how to make the moments work as best we can for the whole family. I capture and share the good moments because I want it to be these that we stick to and let shape us. It’s not a highlight reel as much as a reel of giving God the glory for joy that comes from a fountain of living water rising up in me - always faithful, always enough. Thank you, Lord!


Everything was AWESOME


The Ocean Keeps Roaring