πIt's the Friday Call to Worship!π
I am sharing some of my favorite call to worships from the past during the month of January. Today's was originally sent on 8 September 2023.
I was up late recently, rattled by the twists and turns of parenting a child with special needs. A teething baby demanded comfort just as I started to settle. One hour of sleep later, it was time for a new day to start!
There was a redeeming moment in the nauseatingly caffeinated day that followed. All three kids were in the car, and my four-year old was practicing the Bible verse we were learning. My teenager said, "I know that one. You taught it to me too." Maybe it's sleep deprivation, but I do not have a single memory of teaching that teenage boy Romans 3:23. I don't think he could have recited it from memory in the car that day, but the living Word still lives in him.
I was moved by the reminder that the Word of God is THAT living and active. (Hebrews 4:12) Less than memorable moments in His Word stick. He works when we don't see Him. He's there when we don't feel Him.
This encounter with my children got me thinking about living power living in us. It's easy for me to shudder and tsk-tsk at the state of the world and my own depravities. But just as a dead branch falls off a tree and is no more, the decay of this world will pass away. It is simply not worth my obsession.
Living things, however, grow, flourish, and bear fruit. They weather storms and seasons. If you've received Jesus as your savior, YOU are a living thing. You don't have to "feel" His hands to trust that you rest in the palm of them. You don't have memorize the Bible or feel strong in hard seasons. All the "have to's" were completed on the cross when Jesus died. Now you, child of God, get to live alive.
Listen to "Faithful Still" by KingsPorch.