We’re Still Not Getting a Bunny
After six straight days of Benjamin’s persistent begging to go back to the bunnies… He won! (We all won.) A scorching summer morning was well-spent watching my little boys in their elements… Benjamin with animals and Wyatt with chicken and chips. 🤣 The staff at Boeretroos Koffiewinkel were truly amazing. Our waiter brought his pet snakes and let Benjamin hold - and wear- them!
I usually can’t leave Benjamin’s side, no matter where we are. His nervous system disorder requires someone or something else (usually me) to help him stay regulated and feel safe. With these cuddly and creepy creatures and caring staff, Benjamin didn’t give me the time of day! It was amazing! For many reasons! 😉
For all you commenters who think Benjamin needs a bunny (or a snake), Frank does not need a bunny. Or a snake. Let’s be real.