
We see how God has always been working in our stories as we tell them. Our prayer for you is that you start finding Him in your stories too.

Celebrating, Loving People Kacy Ladd Celebrating, Loving People Kacy Ladd

The Best Thanksgiving Ever!

This Thanksgiving was different because this year is different - and so are we.. Like our celebration, our relationships went deeper rather than wider this year.

The photos say it all. What you won’t find pictures of is a Thanksgiving Minute-to-Win-It competition and a toddler turkey relay (because of the sheer madness in the moment). ‘Tis the season to do the things you’ve never had time for before and to go all-in to create memories for time you won’t ever get back. And can we all take just a minute to celebrate how beautiful the toddler turkey artwork is? Great photo booth backdrop!ings you’ve never had time for before and to go all-in to create memories for time you won’t ever get back.

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Raising a Hero Kacy Ladd Raising a Hero Kacy Ladd

The Chalkboard Says It All

Hello from Sleep Regression City! Little Jam and I are having regular late-night rendezvous in the nursery. The last two weeks have been a bit of a blur. I’ve grasped for quiet times with my Bible as much as I could, but have hardly cracked a page. Lifa (who does not sleep like a baby, but sleeps like a normal human being who sleeps all night) gets up at 6am every morning to have an uninterrupted quiet time.

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