The -ceptions

Benjamin crashed my post-workout stretch session this morning... and things progressed from there. A 10-minute kids workout on the iPad unlocked joy, bouncing, bonding and healing movement. Our Jammer has been in a hard-ish season for a while - which is quite a euphemism, really. We’re all giving it our best, and we all sometimes flip out and see our worst. In his hard-ish times, Benjamin struggles with proprioception, interoception... all kinds of -ceptions. The way we spell it out in our house is “having trouble taking control of your body.” The details are not for the Internet, but it’s not easy to watch, parent or live with if we’re being honest.

Last night, the Ladd house felt like it broke. It was a hard one. Hard ones happen in every family, and last night we took a turn. The “-ceptions” were big contenders in the breaking. The whole reason I’m sharing all of our -ceptions and brokenness is so we can celebrate that joy really can come in the morning, in the same house, same family, same people. Even when our bodies feel broken, the joy of the Lord can still spring up like a fountain. These temples were made for moving, and sometimes we find restoration in the process. A 10-minute video did not solve our -ceptions or change our lives. But, the joy of the Lord does. Daily. Hourly. Moment by moment, movement by movement, as we need Him, as we make space for Him.


🙌It’s the Friday Call to Worship!🙌


🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌