
We see how God has always been working in our stories as we tell them. Our prayer for you is that you start finding Him in your stories too.

The Opposite of Order is Chaos

was learning that He created and commanded order from the very beginning. Check out Genesis 1 and 2. Literally, the very beginning. This week, I poured deep into the Biblical narrative of Godโ€™s created order. I spent 3 evenings teaching moms about it and felt like I was just scratching the surface.

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Being the Church, Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd Being the Church, Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd

God's Promises Are True Even When Life Doesn't Look Like It.

Tuesday nightโ€™s presidential address threw a spanner in the works! On top of 3 Help Club teachings this week, weโ€™ve been busy re-configuring Sunday mornings and all the other days in between. Itโ€™s honestly thrilling to lean into where God is and let Him be God. Weโ€™re just the vessels, and it looks like weโ€™re going to be spending a lot of time online!

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" We must once again tighten restrictions..."

Last night after Benjamin was asleep, I was preparing the teaching I was going to do for Help Club. I popped my head into Chrisโ€™ office and found him deep in thought, scribbling notes and sending messages at the same time. He was watching President Ramaphosaโ€™s โ€œFamily Meetingโ€ speech regarding the 3rd wave of COVID-19 in Africa. The president was wisely saying, โ€œThe massive surge in new infections means that we must once again tighten restrictions on the movement of persons and gatherings.โ€

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Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd

All You Have to Do is Believe

God started his salvation plan even before Jesus even set foot on earth. This week, Chris told the story of Abraham, and how it was the beginning of Godโ€™s great love story. He said, โ€œCount the stars, Abraham. You will have more descendants than this.โ€ No part of Abrahamโ€™s life was pointing to Godโ€™s promise. In fact, it seemed like it was too late. But God.

He is. And He always will be. All you have to do is choose to believe. He does the rest. Isnโ€™t that GREAT news!?!

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Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd

I have no idea what Tipp-ex is.

One of my favorite parts of the week is called Southpoint Prays, when I livestream from Southpoint Churchโ€™s Facebook account. Itโ€™s a safe, encouraging space for the church to rally in the teaching Chris shares, take it a step further in practical application, and pray together. Itโ€™s been amazing to watch the church rally for prayer and find a sense of belonging virtually.

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We Will Always Birthday.

Chris Ladd is the man of my dreams, BUT he's got a few things to learn about life. Ok, its' just one thing: BIRTHDAYS.

I love to celebrate and have infused that love into my children. Lifa is an absolute boss at celebration, and one of Benjamin's first words was "Hooray!" (Future daughters-in-law, you are welcome.)

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Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd

Get Found.

With the very deepest, greatest, furthest, widest kind of love, Chris stood on stage on Sunday and said, โ€œWe are all doomed!โ€ He preached a powerful message with a hard to grasp truth. We have to realize weโ€™re lost to be found. The GOOD news is that when we realized we are doomed without Jesus, His restoring loving, power and His fullness rushes over us like a tidal wave and changes everything.

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Choosing Truth, Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd Choosing Truth, Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship! ๐Ÿ™Œ

I've been breaking social norms for the last few weeks when people ask, "How are things going?" Instead of the anticipated "Fine," I've been exclaiming things like, "Shockingly good!"

If you've been reading the Call to Worship or my blog for a while, you might know our family has been running fast and hard after the things God has spoken to us - only to hit wall after wall. For years, we've armed ourselves with verses like Isaiah 40:31, yet I still grew weary from running and faint from walking.

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Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd

Everybody Has A Starting Point

This is going to be so fun! Chris has just started a series at church that Is bringing us all back to ground zero. He asked us, โ€œWho is Jesus to you?โ€

Thatโ€™s where it all begins. Even if you donโ€™t believe in Him - that disbelief started somewhere - and shapes much of your worldview and life decisions. At the end of the day, this short lifetime always turns us to whatโ€™s beyond today and tomorrow.

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Choosing Truth, Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd Choosing Truth, Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™Œ It's the Friday Call to Worship! ๐Ÿ™Œ

A dear friend bared her weary soul to me this week and said, "I don't even recognize myself anymore." Another storm and another crisis had rocked her family's world. Her soul was taking a beating. She wasn't responding the way she wanted to. She couldn't find the strength to be who she wanted to be. She could hardly stand the juxtaposition of hope and hurt.

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It's Working

Church was amazing this Sunday! We expected a quiet morning as rumors of a third wave of COVID rippled through the nation. I took my place next to Chris on the front row ten minutes after the service started. Several new families had poured in the door at the last minute, and I was helping them get their kids checked in. Chris leaned in to me when I joined him and asked, "Is it empty in here?" I whispered that I couldn't see any open seats.

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Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd

Going Public!

Church was AWESOME!!! Chris talked about baptism, and I learned how to make a pickle! (Baptize that cucumber!) We are walking through some fundamentals of faith as the church expands, and God is unleashing so much. Check this one out!

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Choosing Truth, Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd Choosing Truth, Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™Œ It's the Friday Call to Worship! ๐Ÿ™Œ

I love weightlifting.๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ We rent a weight set so I can exercise at home, and I train virtually twice a week with a personal trainer. I have gained surprising strength in the last year of training. It has NOTHING to do with my abilities and everything to do with consistently showing up and the calculated pushing of my trainer, David. The past few weeks have been full of extra meetings, deadlines and event planning. I had to cancel training sessions to make room for urgent needs.

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The Right Kind of Done

Chris was on the trampoline with Benjamin. Benjamin was hurdling his body from one side of the net to the other, ricocheting like a wrestler in the ring. Chris kept his knees bent, lightly moving up and down so Benjamin could "jump" with his dad. I stood beside the trampoline scene with deep joy and great conviction. "I'm done," I told Chris while he half-bounced. He looked a little nervous.

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Celebrating, Loving People Kacy Ladd Celebrating, Loving People Kacy Ladd

The Best Momโ€™s Tea There Ever Was

We had a beautiful, wintery afternoon tea for moms at our church last week. A group of super-dads (and Lifa!) took on childcare of over 15 kids while 32 moms laughed, cried, played, indulged and prayed over each other. It was life-giving and absolutely gorgeous. I am blown away that God has built a team of strong, powerful women who love the Lord around me. They are my team any my closest friends. I am overwhelmed with gratitude!

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Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd Speaking Truth Kacy Ladd

๐Ÿ™Œ Itโ€™s the Friday Call to Worship! ๐Ÿ™Œ

I've gone to bed weary and heavy-laden most nights this week. We've had some loss and strain in our family recently that has made for restless nights. Exhaustion was building and rest was fleeting as I re-played my list of longings and re-prayed the cries of my heart, again and again, night after night.

When I ran out of words, I started listening to the song, "I Shall Not Want". I

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