
We see how God has always been working in our stories as we tell them. Our prayer for you is that you start finding Him in your stories too.

When someone else can see you

Two steps forward and one step back... Sometimes it seems like one step forward and four back... anybody with me?

I started online personal training with David in April… I haven’t given up. I feel myself getting stronger. I’m healthier and in better shape than I’ve ever been. But there’s a bully in my brain that tells me I’m not doing well enough, not pushing hard enough, and not ever going to make it further than where I am right now because of all those setbacks. Surely every other person in the world reaches goals without an off week or two, right? I should be breaking personal records every single week, right?

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Loving Each Other, Choosing Truth Kacy Ladd Loving Each Other, Choosing Truth Kacy Ladd

Praying for your husband's wife

Hey wives or future wives! The Help Club for Moms is reading the Love Your Husband Challenge YouVersion Bible reading plan right now. Jump in with us! It’s only a 9-day plan, and we’re spreading it out over 3 weeks, so you’ve got plenty of time. Check out for more info! I wanted to share something I wrote for Help Club with you. If you’re not a wife, pass it on to one! Love you guys!

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Benjamin "Danger" Ladd

The basic rules that apply to humans do not apply to Benjamin. Things like gravity, physics, awareness of pain and range of motion. Lately, our house sounds like this: “BENJAMIN, Shouldn’t you be afraid of SOMETHING!?!” - or - “BENJAMIN, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO DO THE MOST DANGEROUS THINNNGGGGGGGSSSSS!?!”

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I had forgotten

I had so much fun this evening with the Help Club mamas! The wild winter storm outside downgraded the quality of the video, but the audio was just fine. It was so special to have a semblance of sisterhood in my frigid bedroom a billion miles away from my actual sister.

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Learning How To Family Kacy Ladd Learning How To Family Kacy Ladd

A wild Friday morning in the Ladd house!

Happy Friday! I’m writing today’s story 11 hours earlier than I usually write just in case we don’t have electricity tonight. A big, wintry storm is expected to blow through the cape today and the nationwide electric company has already warned their systems may not be able to endure the weather. I don’t have anything deep or meaningful to share with you, but you just might find our Friday morning comical.

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Celebrating, Staying Healthy Kacy Ladd Celebrating, Staying Healthy Kacy Ladd

Red nails and dark chocolate

Yesterday there was a big event: I got my nails painted! These claws haven’t been tended to since wayyyyy before lockdown, and the Ladd boys all know that Mom is a better person when her nails are painted. (They prefer classic red.) While I walked Lifa to school yesterday, I told him, “You may wonder who that extremely fancy and beautiful woman is when you walk outside of school this afternoon. It’s me! It’s just your mom with painted nails!” So much tweenage judgment.

Photo by Charisse Kenion on Unsplash

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How I'm dealing with homesickness

I LOVE Cape Town! I love South Africa! I love living here with my family. And I haven’t seen my mom or sis in almost five years. Many people who have played intricate roles in shaping me have never met my children. With a global pandemic in full throttle, 4th of July snuck by me this year and social isolation is kicking homesickness into high gear.

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Choosing Truth, Loving Our City Kacy Ladd Choosing Truth, Loving Our City Kacy Ladd

What do you call your cape?

We live here! We know those storms! We just went 24 hours without electricity last week because of them! A quick google search on this revealed that the actual Portuguese translation for the “Cape of Storms” could also be read “Cape of Torment”. The very same cape as the Cape of Good Hope. You could say it depends on the day, the wind, the weather. Or it could be the perspective and experience you bring. But you know what else... it could just be what you decide to call it.

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It’s not a “two feet on the ground” kind of day.

Sometimes finding a way to win is being really strong, disciplined, and overcoming obstacles. And sometimes it’s abandoning all the plans and expectations you had and operating within your capacity for today. This is a weird time, and it’s ok to not be ok. Just don’t be “not ok” alone!

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Loving People Kacy Ladd Loving People Kacy Ladd

Your Name in Heaven

Maybe you’re a mom, and you know all about that infamous “mom guilt”. Or maybe you’re a dad, a doctor, a friend, a spouse a student, a CEO, a truck driver, a teacher, or just a person trying to maneuver life since Coronavirus. We all pick up things that aren’t ours to carry. A lot of things try to name us. We instinctively look for our “job” or purpose in life, and we want to be good at it. We want to do good and be known for good.

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Every pitter and every patter

Currently, I’m listening to:

One neighbor’s perpetual weed-eater,

Another neighbor’s toddlers on bikes in front of our house,

My husband’s booming Tennessee accent on a phone meeting,

Benjamin announcing the end of nap time from his crib,

The video I just made for Help Club playing in the background,

And a kettle boiling for my 89th pot of coffee.

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Learning How To Family Kacy Ladd Learning How To Family Kacy Ladd

The Five-Day Laundry Fiasco

Hello from Day 5 of the SAME LOAD OF LAUNDRY. Three loads to be exact. I’m just going to tell you up front: The Ladds are not awesome at managing laundry on a clothes line. One of these days we will own a dryer, but, for now, we are clothes line people. It’s winter and rainy season in Cape Town, and the drought has officially ended. This completely changes our (already weak) laundry game.

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Learning How To Family Kacy Ladd Learning How To Family Kacy Ladd

Rap Music in the Kitchen

Image from Passion 2020 YouTube Channel

We’ve been living slow and steady Corona-speed for months. We settled into it and started to love it. But yesterday, life hit the pedal to the metal! Chris left at 6:30am for a 10-mile run. By the time he came home, I had Lifa in school and was simultaneously brewing coffee, setting up for a video, prepping dinner and getting Benjamin ready for a nap. We had computers set up on opposite ends of the house, and Chris has a Zoom staff meeting while I recorded a live teaching for Help Club for Moms. By the time I was done, Chris was already gone to the next meeting and then went straight to church….

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Forest vs. Face Mask

Yesterday I took Benjamin to the forest for the first time. It took just a few breaths of crisp mountain air and a couple crunchy steps to decide: Yes, he was going be the king of this forest. And, just like that, the world got one more Ladd man to chase down mountain trails. Benjamin wanted to run through waterfalls and giggled as gravity pulled him down the mountain path, no matter how much my glutes were screaming, “We just pushed a stroller and a small human UP this path. It is NOT time to go down yet!”

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Celebrating, Loving Each Other Kacy Ladd Celebrating, Loving Each Other Kacy Ladd

The pages made a difference.

Happy belated Father’s Day! We had so much fun celebrating Chris yesterday! He woke up to an AMAZING handmade card by Lifa - broken elbows and all. (He’s on the mend! Hardly wearing his slings at all anymore.) Benjamin and I wrote him a card, and we all proudly marched up to Dad’s desk before he got busy with 3 online church services.

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Raising a Hero Kacy Ladd Raising a Hero Kacy Ladd

Lifa's Big Decision

Time for a mom brag: Lifa is awesome. You might have read in previous posts lately that we’ve been doing a lot of walking. While we’ve walked, we’ve been feeling a lot of feelings and learning a lot of lessons. Lifa is going to HIGH SCHOOL next year! Can you even.... I cannot...

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