We see how God has always been working in our stories as we tell them. Our prayer for you is that you start finding Him in your stories too.
🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
Teenage me loved buying soundtrack CDs. The music behind the movie often says more than the script. It cues your emotions and sets the stage for the next thing.
My teenager has mastered the art of creating personal soundtracks. He has a playlist for game day, short car trips, long car trips, sleepovers with friends, chores, and almost anything he does. Our reality is that we are always hearing something, whether it's others' opinions or your own thought track. I think my son is onto something by choosing what he wants to hear to prepare him for what he's doing.
Benjamin lives with an unusual form of autism called Extreme Demand Avoidance.
Most people's primary drive is survival. Our brains will do anything to ensure we have food, water, and air. Benjamin, and kids like him, have a primary drive for autonomy and equality.
🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
I had GREAT intentions this week, yet somehow I managed to really stuff things up. In an effort to strengthen a relationship, I dwelt on our weaknesses instead. It was a full-on disaster. I feared the words I couldn't un-say caused damage I couldn't undo.
🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
God spoke, "Hallelujah" when I asked Him for a word to hold on to for the year 2018. I excitedly deemed it "My Hallelujah Year" and looked forward to the hip-hip-hoorays ahead. That year turned out to be one of the deepest, darkest, and hardest of all the years. There were very few celebratory moments and very many hours spent bowed in desperate prayer.
🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
Wise King Solomon said, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." (Eccl 3:11) This week felt like all the seasons were happening at once in my house! It was a time for birthday celebrations, gathering of friends, exams, rugby practice, and the flu! I actually thought, "I know King Solomon was busy leading a nation and building the temple, but did he ever try that with sick kids!?!"
🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
My good intentions proved to be feeble this week. My strong will could not hold the line. (And I'm good at making things happen!)
I've been trying to change the way I think about things and rearrange my own priorities. My stubborn plans are the defense while the truth I want to live by is offense. It can be hard to name a victor in an internal battle.
🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
No one imagines themselves in that dark of a place, where every movement and even not moving causes crippling pain. But we've all been there.
Let Me Tell You About Lifa
If you've followed along with us, you've probably read that Benjamin struggles with an unusual form of autism. We've developed a great support team in the last 12 months, but there is no better support system than his big brother. I just had to sneak a few pictures this morning of this unexplainable love in action.
🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
My 4-year old son is a psalmist in his own right. He creates his own songs and sings wherever we go. He sings stories from the Bible and about his love for Jesus... and sometimes about cats and Hot Wheels. Because he's four.
🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
I love a quiet mornings with my Bible. This week, I read the story of Noah's Ark. Genesis gives an incredible account of when the world was covered with water, when God tried to wash away evil. He painted a rainbow promise in the sky afterwards to testify He would never destroy the world again.
🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
I had a hard time rendering my stubborn heart to God this week. I found myself desperately dwelling on things I hope for rather the His perfect love. I continuously brought my dreams to God but had a hard time leaving them with Him. Like a child, unsure if she has her Father's attention and tugging on His robe to say, "Did you hear me? Are you gonna do it? Is it time yet? When is it going to be time?"
The only guarantee
Yesterday I witnessed a funeral for an 11 year old girl. Every inch of wall space at our church was plastered with poster-sized photos of her…
I'm sitting in the counselor's office...
I'm sitting in the counselor’s office at Lifa’s primary school…
🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌
Last weekend we remembered a weekend in history that changed everything: the curse reversed, death died, and we were set free forever. On the heels of my Creator shutting down the sun, shaking the earth, and allowing His Son to die for me, I’m still distracted by my struggles and pridefully trying to tackle problems in my own strength.
☀️The Good Friday Call to Worship!☀️
Today's call to worship is an excerpt from a famous sermon by S.M. Lockridge. Enjoy your day, and remember that Sunday's is a coming! 🙌
I made an angel-friend last year. The kind of friend God sends to you when you need to be seen in a way you can't see yet. I would pump breastmilk in the car on the way to meet her, hold teeny-tiny Wyatt, and drink an extra large coffee while I sniffled and stammered about not knowing how to be a special needs mom. She was the one I could be very raw with and say I didn't WANT to be a special needs mom. I could ask the questions you're not supposed to have and feel all the feelings I didn't think I should feel with her.
The Play Date That Went Very Wrong
I told my friends on the Help Club for Moms team that I was ready to start writing for them again…
Finally, it was two days before my first deadline, and my mind was still blank. On top of that, I felt completely overwhelmed by my own kids. I sent up a quick prayer for help as I dashed off to a play date that I was sure would be a disaster. IT WAS. Total disaster. But wouldn’t you know that my God met me in that mess?
The Necessary Ache
My mom just spent seven glorious weeks with us in Cape Town. We said goodbye last night, and she is on a plane back to America now. Mom stayed in the apartment connected to our house, and Benjamin asked to go to "Gosa's house" every morning as soon as he woke up….