We see how God has always been working in our stories as we tell them. Our prayer for you is that you start finding Him in your stories too.
Happy Father’s Day, Chis!
We celebrated Father’s Day on Saturday morning with an epic trip to one of our favorite places in Cape Town - the Friends of the South African Air Force Museum! (See our post from last week about it!) Chris has never been able to come with us, and it’s right up his alley. Passionate volunteers giving their time, tankers, fighter jets, legendary stories and equipment, plus the BEST burgers and wors rolls of all time.
🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌
Yesterday, I was part of a "hike" with a pair of five-year old best friends. They had a map, binoculars, super hero figurines, and the electrifying energy of friendship in the wild. Their hearts were set for adventure. They would seek it until they found it. In fact, everything was an adventure because they were looking for one. The same paths they've walked since they could walk played out like a symphony in their spirits - the songs of the Cape frogs, the moss-covered climbing rocks, the slippery bridge and twisty trees, and the cold waterfall foaming into the perfect rock-throwing target.
The Power of Passion
Benjamin is all about soldiers. He’s got his own “soldier table” at home where he lines up miniature soldier figures over and over again. (Usually in rugby formations, telling me I have to cheer for Lifa’s team!) The Friends of the South African Air Force Museum is right down the road from our house. It is operated by a group of passionate volunteers every Saturday morning. Naturally, we call it “The Soldier Museum”.
We Saw Hope Float
Yesterday the boys and I went to the V&A Waterfront to check out @logoshope_southafrica It’s the world’s largest floating book fair! Even more importantly,it’s a huge vessel with a huge mission. We were awed by this mighty missional tool to take literature, education and the Word of God all over the world. It was extra special to watch a young man take time to walk Lifa through an interactive experience of The Prodigal Son and show him new ways to spread the Gospel.
See You At The Movies!
You might think you know what church looks like on a Sunday morning… but you’ve never experienced SouthPoint Church “At the Movies”. Action-packed, family friendly, fun and dress-ups of epic proportions for the next 4 weeks. Church + your favorite movies! Invite your friends! Dress up like a character from the Lego movie this week! See you at 8:30 and 10am!
Ladds in Transition
Lifa is halfway through 11th grade and thinking about what comes next. Benjamin and Wyatt are ever-changing whirlwinds of personality and preferences - full of tackling, tickling, and tantrumming. We are going deeper and wider all at once at church and working through a missionary kind of sting we’re encountering for the first time after 14 years. Oh, AND, I’m learning how to cohabitate in my own body with an ever-present and absolutely crazy companion called perimenopause.
🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌
Cape Town's wintery, rainy school holidays are fast-approaching. My sons are already stir-crazy. The long holidays can feel like an episode of Survivor with all the pent-up energy. It's not realistic to just "get through" a school holiday or season, waiting for the abundant life around the corner. Jesus didn't enter into extreme adversity so we wouldn't have to, but so we could thrive amidst it.
Happy Birthday Chris!
It is my joy to mark milestones, Monday mornings and everything in between with you. You grow in wisdom, discernment, integrity, grace and good good love every year.
All About Abundant Life
The little Ladd brothers are in the “love so hard it hurts” era of brotherhood. Love and war are synonymous these days. We’re only two days in to Cape Town’s rainy weather, and I already carted these darling knuckleheads to a play place to save my sanity! I have to admit that, while we slipped into those grippy socks, I was still at battle internally with myself - feeling like I should steward our finances better, be able to manage them better, and school holidays haven’t even started yet.
🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌
Yesterday, my youngest sons and I had to run for cover from the rain. We sat together in the back of my beloved van. When the rain passed and they jumped out, the van’s bumper went down with them. I don’t know what caused the initial incident. It wasn’t those tiny little feet. But there was definitely a problem.
Home Sweet Heaven
Today is a public holiday in South Africa so people can vote. We aren't qualified to vote here, but we sure do pray for this nation. The kids were home from school, so I took all three brothers on a hike. I thought about how their dirty little toes had never touched American soil. And how I carry a Texas driver's license, have a Tennessee permanent address, and haven't left South Africa's rich soil in almost 10 years.
🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌
Eagles were common in the Biblical climate and are often referenced in Scripture. You may have heard if you hope in the Lord, you will "soar on wing's like eagles" (Isa 40:31), but there's much more!
Star-Bright Saturdays - even when the struggle is real.
Saturdays are tricky at the Ladd house. There's excitement for Lifa's rugby game, church events to participate in, and hopes for an afternoon nap before a busy Sunday. It should also be noted that the whole house is usually in full-on crazy mode by 6am. (Except for Lifa because 16-year olds can sleep through anything.)
Benjamin's nervous system is zapped after the school week, yet he's brimming with hope and expectations for the best Saturday of his life... every single Saturday.
🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌
A couple of week ago, I had a sick child whose needs were extremely high from very early in the morning. My toddler decided to even out the score by staying awake all through the night so I could also spend time with him. I only remember a flurry of medicines, meals, and unread messages that week. I didn't have a quiet moment to read my Bible or sing a worship song. Though my stomach was sick from exhaustion and surviving on coffee and peanut butter crusts, I knew, deep down in my sleepy spirit, this was the only place God woud have me in that moment in time.
What You Really Need to Know on Mother’s Day
unMother’s Day: This one is not just for moms.
Chris and I stood on stage at the beginning of both servcies to welcome everyone. I had been awake since 3am with a rotation of small child issues, and Benjamin was having a harder than normal day. If I didn't need to be on stage that morning, I would kept the little guys home with me. Things were heading south quickly...
The Day We Became Hikers
Something changes the moment you take that first deep breath of mountain air. It’s Creator-air. It fills your lungs with the good stuff and somehow makes any other “bad stuff” dissolve for a while…
🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌
I love to listen to people's stories and understand why they tell them the way they do. We all have a timeline, speckled with highs and lows. But it's the narrator, not the timeline, that tells the story.
Chill People
Chris coined the term “chill people” when we moved to Cape Town several years ago. We were not (and are not) “chill people” but seemed to live in a city full of them….
The small moments matter.
The little guys and I got rained out of Lifa’s rugby game sidelines again yesterday. We packed a picnic and headed to church to play our blues away. I seized an unexpected opportunity to teach Benjamin how to pray (with his mouth full) in every family ministry environment.
🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌
Wednesday was a public holiday, a bonus "play day" for my kids. I received bad news from family in the US on Tuesday morning that left me unsure how I'd get through Wednesday. I was frazzled, exhausted and didn't know what I'd do wtih a two-year old and a child whose disability requires my unwavering attention to support his nervous system.